The Story of Yume Slings

The Story of Yume Slings

My name is Jasmine, the owner of Yume Slings, I’m a mother to four daughters (the youngest two are twins!) and a partner to my other half, Kirk. Should I write this like a character reference? I’m not sure! 🤣

I enjoy crocheting, eating new foods, travelling, and spending time with my family. Actually, the love for my family is at the heart of everything I do. I love being a mother; I love the laughter, the chaos, the sleepy cuddles, the bedtime stories, the splashing puddles, the messy dinner times, the endless nursery rhymes, and everything in between. 

When did I start babywearing?

It would only give it justice to acknowledge the start of my babywearing journey in 2013, I was a very young single mother and struggling with my mental health (looking back it was clearly PND, but went undiagnosed).

My baby Ruby just cried, she didn’t sleep, and would cluster feed until it became painful and bled. Then I picked up my mother’s bulky ring sling (she had used it with us as babies), it had plastic rings and this huge padded shoulder. But when I put my baby Ruby in it… she settled. It completely transformed my ability to be her mother. I felt like I had discovered a secret tool to help me survive!

From there, I bought a carrier from a local charity shop. She didn’t like it as much (looking back now, I understand the seat would’ve been too narrow and uncomfortable for her). So I kept using the padded ring sling, until she didn’t want to be carried anymore ❤️

Then my second daughter, Bella, arrived in 2015, and I began babywearing from her birth. She fitted into our lives so effortlessly, I believe she was so content and an “easy baby” because of the continuous carrying/breastfeeding in slings.
I actually won a secondhand woven ring sling from a Facebook dippy group, and I couldn’t believe how utterly beautiful and comfortable it was! It was an absolute game changer. I immediately fell in love with the versatility and longevity of woven wraps…

Fast forward 6 years; and I found out we were expecting twins - girls! 😆 I suddenly felt like a first time parent again, totally clueless on how I was going to survive. How would I carry them both?! I wanted to be able to hold the hands of my older daughters. I spent months researching different stretchy wraps and woven wraps, and I must’ve watched 100+ YouTube tutorials!
When Sophie and Freya were born, I felt prepared. And started tandem carrying them in a stretchy wrap from 5 days old, from then on - I tandem carried them for every nap time until they were 6 months old, and a natural routine had started to form 😌 It allowed me the space to bond with them both, to regulate my emotions, and theirs too. It helped me increase my breast milk supply to provide for them both. Looking back, I can see how healthy and nurturing it was for us all during the 4th trimester ❤️

Now we’re here.
At the beginning of my business adventure; filled with excitement and terror! I’m overwhelmed with the love and support I’ve received so far. I cannot express how I truly appreciate each and every one of you. 

Here’s to the future! With many beautiful slings, to hold our beautiful babies close. 

- Jasmine x

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1 comment

Do you have a size guide? The Wraps in CM or M rather than just “size 4” ect

Thank yoooouuuu 😊

P.s also a fellow twin mum here


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